All teams
Data as at 30.09.2024

Emerging Markets & Asia

6Team size

Emerging Markets & Asia

The Polar Capital Emerging Markets & Asia team, led by Jorry Nøddekær, aims to identify the future ‘Star’ companies that they believe will generate sustainable shareholder value over the medium to long-term. Polar Capital’s emerging markets fund range offers a distinct approach to investing sustainably across some of the world’s most dynamic, fastest growing economies.

European Income

3Team size

European Income

European ex-UK Income, managed by Nick Davis, is one of three dedicated income funds from Polar Capital. Joining from Threadneedle, he set up the European investment team in September 2014 and has been the lead manager of this equity income fund since its launch the following year. He previously managed the Threadneedle European Fund and Pan European Equity Dividend Fund.

European Small Cap

2Team size

European Small Cap

The Polar Capital European Small Cap team, with co-managers Michael Vise and Ali Amiri-Garroussi  are an experienced team of generalists with deep knowledge of the European smaller companies universe. Michael started at Polar Capital in 2003 before joining the team in 2005 and Ali joined Polar Capital in 2007, before joining the team in 2012.

Global Convertible

4Team size

Global Convertible

Managers David Keetley and Stephen McCormick are part of a four-strong team that runs the Global Convertible (GCB) and Global Absolute Return funds. They typically invest in convertible bonds to provide income and capital growth (GCB) or a positive absolute return over rolling 12-month periods, in all market conditions. Both funds also aim to limit downside risk.

Global Financials

5Team size

Global Financials

The senior members of the team joined Polar Capital when it acquired HIM Capital, formerly Hiscox Investment Management, in 2010, to establish the firm’s financials franchise. Nick Brind, George Barrow and Tom Dorner co-manage the Polar Capital Global Financials Trust, with George managing the Financial Opportunities Fund, and Nick lead manager of the Financial Credit Fund along with Jack Deegan.

Global Healthcare

8Team size

Global Healthcare

The eight-strong specialist healthcare team, set up in 2007, is led by Gareth Powell as Head of Healthcare, manager of the Healthcare Opportunities Fund. The team’s other fund managers are James Douglas (Healthcare Blue Chip Fund and the Global Healthcare Trust, with Gareth), David Pinniger (Biotechnology Fund), Deane Donnigan (Healthcare Discovery) and Brett Pollard (Emerging Markets Healthcare). The team benefits from a huge amount of industry experience, with many having previously held senior industry roles, either as a research scientist, clinical specialist, in equity sales and research, or working in academic laboratories and institutes.

Global Insurance

2Team size

Global Insurance

The senior members of the team joined Polar Capital when it acquired HIM Capital, formerly Hiscox Investment Management, in 2010. Bar three years at chartered accountants Mazars Neville Russell, fund manager Nick Martin is a true company man, having worked on the Fund since 2001 when he joined Hiscox. Dominic Evans joined Polar Capital in 2012 from KPMG where he worked with a number of global insurance companies.

Global Small Company

3Team size

Global Small Company

Dan Boston joined Polar Capital in September 2024 from Brown Capital Management to establish the Global Small Company team. The team take a 'research first' approach to seeking out sustainable, wealth creating smaller companies, with the ability to compound over the long-term and become industry leaders.

Global Technology

11Team size

Global Technology

Polar Capital’s first portfolio was a technology investment trust managed by the company’s founders. Today, the technology team, headed by Nick Evans and Ben Rogoff, has grown to 11 – one of the largest, most experienced sector investment teams in Europe – running two specialist open-ended funds (Artificial Intelligence and Global Technology) alongside the Polar Capital Technology Trust.


2Team size


The Japan team was the first OEIC to be launched by Polar Capital back in 2001. The team is now led by Gerard Cawley who joined the firm from Schroders in 2005 and has been manager of the Japan Value Fund since its launch in 2012. Chris Smith joined the team in 2012 as an analyst before becoming co-manager of Japan Value in 2018.

Melchior European Opportunities

3Team size

Melchior European Opportunities

The European Opportunities Team has managed the Melchior European Opportunities Fund since its inception in May 2010. They aim to outperform the MSCI Europe by >3% on an annualised basis through long-only investments in European equities. Led by David Robinson, the Team use bottom-up stock selection to identify high quality companies with strong fundamentals that are leaders in niche markets with high barriers to entry. The unconstrained, concentrated portfolio typically has a lower absolute volatility than the market.

North America

3Team size

North America

In August 2011, the team was established by Andrew Holliman and Richard Wilson, with the fund launched three months later. Previously, Holliman was manager of the Threadneedle American Fund as well as a number of the firm’s global portfolios, while Wilson looked after institutional and segregated mandates within their US equity team.

Sustainable Thematic Equity

5Team size

Sustainable Thematic Equity

Thiemo Lang joined Polar Capital from Robeco Switzerland Ltd, Zurich, in September 2021 to set up the Sustainable Thematic Equity investment team. The team manages a Smart Energy Fund and a Smart Mobility Fund, both of which are global equity portfolios investing in companies aiming to address sustainability challenges – as per each Fund’s specific theme – across the market-cap scale.

UK Value

2Team size

UK Value

Georgina Hamilton and George Godber have worked together for more than a decade, first at Matterley Asset Management and then Miton Group before joining forces once again at Polar Capital in 2016. They are – and have always been – active, unconstrained stock pickers and value to their core, focussed on companies which are cheap, sustainable and that pass their financial safety check.